Instrumenting a Paid Plugin

Instrumenting a Paid Plugin

This page is aimed at plugin developers. CloudQuery plugins can be published as free, open-core or premium. In order for rows to be counted as paid in an open-core or premium plugin, you will need to add some additional instrumentation code. Instrumenting a paid plugin to check quotas and count the number of rows synced is relatively simple and can be done using the (opens in a new tab) package.


  1. Ensure that the plugin’s team, name and kind are passed in. For example:

    var (
        Name    = "your-plugin-name" // TODO: replace with your plugin name
        Kind    = "source"           // TODO: replace with your plugin kind (source / destination)
        Team    = "your-team-name"   // TODO: replace with your team name
        Version = "development"
    func Plugin() *plugin.Plugin {
        return plugin.NewPlugin(
  2. Inside resources/plugin/client.go, add usage premium.UsageClient to the Client struct.

  3. Instantiate the premium.UsageClient inside Configure:

    uc, err := premium.NewUsageClient(
      if err != nil {
          return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize usage client: %w", err)
    return &Client{
      // ...
          usage:  uc,
      // ...
  4. Add the following methods to the Client:

    // OnBeforeSend increases the usage count for every message. If some messages should not be counted,
    // they can be ignored here.
    func (c *Client) OnBeforeSend(_ context.Context, msg message.SyncMessage) (message.SyncMessage, error) {
        if c.usage == nil {
            return msg, nil
        if si, ok := msg.(*message.SyncInsert); ok {
            if err := c.usage.Increase(uint32(si.Record.NumRows())); err != nil {
                return msg, fmt.Errorf("failed to increase usage: %w", err)
        return msg, nil
    // OnSyncFinish is used to ensure the final usage count gets reported
    func (c *Client) OnSyncFinish(_ context.Context) error {
       if c.usage != nil {
          return c.usage.Close()
       return nil
  5. Inside the Client Sync method, create a new context using premium.WithCancelOnQuotaExceeded. This will do two things: 1. stop the sync from happening if the user has no remaining quota, and 2. periodically check that the user still has remaining quota, canceling the context if not.

    newCtx, err := premium.WithCancelOnQuotaExceeded(ctx, c.usage)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to configure quota monitor: %w", err)
    return c.scheduler.Sync(newCtx, schedulerClient, tt, res, scheduler.WithSyncDeterministicCQID(options.DeterministicCQID))

    If there is a stateClient the above block should read:

    newCtx, err := premium.WithCancelOnQuotaExceeded(ctx, c.usage)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to configure quota monitor: %w", err)
    if err := c.scheduler.Sync(newCtx, schedulerClient, tt, res, scheduler.WithSyncDeterministicCQID(options.DeterministicCQID)); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to sync: %w", err)
    return stateClient.Flush(ctx)
  6. If all tables are paid: return premium.MakeAllTablesPaid(tables) in getTables. If only some tables are paid: add isPaid: true to the relevant Table definitions.